
Belang van de eerste biest

Importance of the first colostrum

In calves, immunoglobulins are absorbed through the intestines for approximately 24 hours after birth. Immediately after birth, the closure of the intestinal wall for these large molecules begins in a...

Importance of the first colostrum

In calves, immunoglobulins are absorbed through the intestines for approximately 24 hours after birth. Immediately after birth, the closure of the intestinal wall for these large molecules begins in a...

Waarom kiezen geitenhouders voor CapraCol®?

Why do goat farmers choose CapraCol®?

Raising goat kids without mothers reduces the risk of disease transmission from mother to kid. To make motherless rearing as natural as possible, many goat farmers administer artificial colostrum.Artificial colostrum...

Why do goat farmers choose CapraCol®?

Raising goat kids without mothers reduces the risk of disease transmission from mother to kid. To make motherless rearing as natural as possible, many goat farmers administer artificial colostrum.Artificial colostrum...

Welke biggen krijgen extra biest?

Which piglets receive extra colostrum?

Colostrum is essential for piglets in the farrowing pen. Colostrum is indeed the only source of antibodies for piglets at this stage. Insufficient colostrum leads to reduced immunity, making piglets...

Which piglets receive extra colostrum?

Colostrum is essential for piglets in the farrowing pen. Colostrum is indeed the only source of antibodies for piglets at this stage. Insufficient colostrum leads to reduced immunity, making piglets...

Zorgen voor een optimale opname van antistoffen

Ensuring optimal antibody uptake

Some animals, including goat kids, lambs, calves, alpaca foals, and piglets, are born without antibodies, meaning they lack natural resistance. The sole source of antibodies for these animals is colostrum....

Ensuring optimal antibody uptake

Some animals, including goat kids, lambs, calves, alpaca foals, and piglets, are born without antibodies, meaning they lack natural resistance. The sole source of antibodies for these animals is colostrum....